Month: February 2019

a person holding a small globe

Reasons Why Traveling Abroad Is ImportantReasons Why Traveling Abroad Is Important

The idea of taking a gap year after graduation before pursuing higher education emphasizes that the trend of traveling abroad is still one of the most famous travel-related trends, especially among young people. Some people are lucky since their parents are able to support their activities, while some others need to save for years or work to achieve their goals. However, despite it being a major theme in the field of travel for the last decade, most people still assume that traveling abroad is not for everyone.

a plane wing above the sea

Indeed, one needs to save money, plan all the details, book the flight tickets, look for the most suitable accommodation, and decide which places they should visit. These things can lead to quite a frustration in many cases. However, please note that traveling abroad and spend weeks and months in a new place has several advantages for young people. This article aims to help those who need the motivation to pack their bags and book the flights. From tours of Europe to Asian cultural trips, these reasons below will help you manage your thoughts well before deciding not to go.

Comfort Zone

a person with a suitcaseMany speakers and motivators have repeatedly mentioned the importance of getting out of one’s comfort zone. While it is true that the application of the idea can reach a wide range of fields, traveling provides those young people with a fun and easy way to do that. Remember that the concept relates heavily to how a person will grow and develop their way of thinking, making it vital to achieve this stage of life before embarking on the real journey in the workforce.

For those thinking that staying at home is better than visiting new places and meeting new people, things can be scary at first. However, this is where the challenges lie, and it is their job to manage to connect with people. This way, they can learn to deal with various situations and sharpen their problem-solving skills.

Cultural Sensitivity

Have you ever wondered what makes travelers wiser than those who do not travel a lot? It is what sociologists refer to as cultural sensitivity. It basically explains a deeper-level of understanding that happens in one’s unconscious mind that there are different things in life which form the life itself. Instead of making all the differences problematic, they tend to embrace all the variations and perceive them as what life has to offer. This way, they tend to observe things holistically and listen to others’ point of views.…